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"Art is coming face to face with yourself"  - Jackson Pollock

In my studio practice, I have learned many disciplines throughout my college experience completing a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art at the Dublin Institute of Technology and a Master of Fine Art Degree in the National College of Art and Design. My art studio practice explores a variety of mediums such as drawing, sculpture, painting, video editing, photography, and printing. My studio practice consists of sometimes combining different materials and mediums together explored through my art-making process. Examples of different materials and mediums I have explored in my art and studio practice are below.

Charlotte Reynolds Ecdysis installation day


A lot of my drawings consist of my interest of the human form and playing around with the themes of realism. Themes explored within my practice is Realism and also themes of the Uncanny where I like to merge drawings of the human form to create something familiar yet push its boundaries toward the unfamiliar. The largest drawings I have created within my art practice is 6ft drawings and often in my practice I like to merge my drawings into other elements of my art practice such as sculpture installations. 


Creating flesh tones in paintings is another favourite of what I like to do within my art practice particularly with acrylic paints. Many of my paintings included blurring of faces, replicating realistic flesh tones, and including text within painted portraits I complete. Some of my paintings are inspired by German folklore such as Der Sandman.


As part of the Bachelor of Fine Art course in Dublin Institute of Technology, I explored different artistic mediums in the first year of the course including print. Within the module students explored screen printing, lino printing, etching and mono printing. Among these prints I have created I explored the themes of the Inuit culture looking into the Tariaksuq and also looking at Religion as a theme using my own photographs of St. Peters Church in Drogheda.   


My sculptures explore themes of the uncanny where I merge, contort, and distort representations of human form to create something familiar yet push its boundaries toward the unfamiliar. Materials in my art practice includes chiffon soaked in starch, acetate and air dried clay attached to metal. Often in my practice I like to merge different elements of my practice together such as my sculptures and drawings forming installations.

Digital Art and Video

As part of the Bachelor of Fine Art course in Dublin Institute of Technology, I explored and learned about photoshop and video editing with iMovie. My digital art consists of digital prints created using photoshop, stop motion animations, hand drawn animations using photoshop, videos using photographs and video recorded media.       

© 2022 by Charlotte Reynolds Proudly created with

Charlotte Reynolds
Artist | Educator 

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