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I Want to Hold On by Charlotte Reynolds


I Want To Hold On consists of moments in time in the present and reflecting on stories recalled by family members about the family home of my grandparents. During Covid19, this 200-year-old cottage is a place where I spent most of my time in lockdown. Embracing the open country air, comfort of familiarity, seeing my covid19 friendly family faces within my covid19 bubble as I emerge from a room where I was online for long hours of the day. Memories within the family cottage interior from family photos, handwritten prayers and empty seats all echo memories of family passed or even family members who use to visit daily but currently can’t due to lockdown. Construction and renovation of the cottage was delayed due to the pandemic but as lockdown restrictions ease along with recalling and reflecting these moments on time made me question am I ready to embrace the changes that are going to happen? A girl who does not like change, very traditional, and views the past as perfection, I find it hard to let go of the past. Throughout this pandemic I heard upcoming plans for the cottage, so this current moment in time I struggled to grasp that these changes will be happening but as my mother says the memories you have of the cottage and passed family members will always be in your heart.

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